分布式事务全解析以及背后的原理 —— 分布式共识算法
分布式事务全解析以及背后的原理 —— 分布式共识算法
Features Determine logging mode by environment variable 2a7977 Support locking each I/O event-loop goroutine to an OS thread 6fd641 E
About this change Add functional option LockOSThread used to determine whether each I/O event-loop is associated to an OS thread, it is useful when yo
About this change Benefit from system calls provided by Go standard library, server listener sockets inside gnet have gotten rid of the Go net package
深入分析 Kafka 为什么快
每一个程序员都应该学习的计算机硬件知识之 —— CPU 高速缓存
Features Support graceful shutdown with OS signals (Fixes #82) Enhancements Improve the creation processes of netpoller (Fixes #72) ccc6c25 Reuse slic
Go 语言官方的源码贡献手册中文版,适合那些想给 Go 语言贡献代码的入门者阅读。
Features Support new load-balancing algorithm of least-connections #63 Support new load-balancing algorithm of source-addr-hash #64 Add a new API to g